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How To Read Forex Pairs


In contrast, the ask rate is the lowest rate, the prospective seller of the stock is ready to sell the security. Bid PriceBid Price is the highest amount that a buyer quotes against the “ask price” to buy particular security, stock, or any financial instrument. A currency pair is a combination of two currencies their values compared against each other. The first currency is what a person is buying effectively.The second currency is the one they are selling against. The specialist, one of several who facilitates a particular currency trade, may even be in a third city.

price action

Go to your open positions, where you’ll be able to see your running profit or loss. When you’re ready to close your position, find EUR/USD and hit ‘close’ to sell 1000 EUR/USD. The size of your trade determines how much of the base currency you are buying or selling – and how much you’ll make or lose for each pip that the pair moves.

Conversely, if you buy the (also referred to as going “long”), you are buying the Euro and selling the US dollar. For example, if you sell the EURUSD (also referred to as going “short”), you are simultaneously selling the Euro and buying the US dollar. There are essentially two ways in which any currency pair can move higher or lower.

Exotic Currency Pairs

Choose asellposition if you believe that the value of the base currency will fall compared to the quote currency. This is how you decide whether to go long or short, as well as what strategy to take. You might look at current and historical charts, monitor the news for economic announcements or consider applying a few technical indicators. Remember that a pip is worth 0.01 (or 1%) of the base currency when the quote is the yen?

The currency pair represents how many Australian dollars are required to purchase a single euro. NZD/USD represents the value of the New Zealand dollar against the U.S. dollar, or how many U.S. dollars are required to buy a single New Zealand dollar, or the kiwi dollar. New Zealand’s currency is typically listed in the top 10 most popular currencies in the world, while the U.S. dollar is the most traded currency. As the fourth-most-popular currency pair in the world, the AUD/USD represents how many U.S. dollars are needed to purchase a single Australian dollar. Political events, interest rates, and Australian production of commodities such as coal or copper are factors that can impact AUD/USD.

Basics of Forex Trading – Part 1 – FX Empire

Basics of Forex Trading – Part 1.

Posted: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

For instance, the symbol for the U.S. is USD, and the Canadian dollar is CAD. ISO is responsible for developing and publishing codes and standards for the currencies. Here you can converse about trading ideas, strategies, trading psychology, and nearly everything in between! —- /r/Forex is the official subreddit of, a trading forum run by professional traders.

For example, knowing when and how to exit a trade is just as important as knowing when to enter one in most cases. SpreadsSpread is the price, interest rate, or yield differentials of stocks, bonds, futures contracts, options, and currency pairs of related quantities. Buying a forex currency pair is pretty much like buying a stock. When purchasing stock, a person exchanges a currency, such as the U.S Dollar, for either a share of a business or a commodity. When buying a currency pair, they buy one currency in exchange for another one.

NZD/JPY: New Zealand dollar/Japanese yen

The price of the national currencies in these countries largely depends on the prices of commodities, thus, many people call these currency pairs commodities currency pairs. Even the most experienced traders are sometimes having a hard time making that decision. Before we go any further, let’s discuss the Forex pairs meaning. This pair indicates the value of the U.S. dollar against the Mexican peso.

Meanwhile, the euro represents one of Europe’s largest economies. SMA or simple moving average is the most common indicator plotted on forex charts. Below we cover some of the most popular indicators used by currency traders. To help make sense of the currency movements depicted on a chart, traders have developed a number of different visual guides to assist them –indicators. Wicks represent the highest and lowest prices reached during the given time period.

The majors are not the end all be all when it comes to trading Forex. Remember that a currency’s value depends on the currency sitting next to it. As a retail trader, all you need to know is whether you want to go long or short. There are no pairings, and the value of one stock is not dependent on that of another.

How to Manage and Minimize the Spread

Currency pairs are written as a forex quote consisting of two separate currencies. The first in the forex currency pair is always the base currency, whereas the second currency is the quote currency. Forex traders often make reference to pips when explaining how far the market moved on a particular day. A pip is a single digit move in the fourth decimal place of a forex quote but be aware of the exception in JPY quotes which is explained in our article, “What is a Pip? Making technical analysis involves looking at past movements in price to identify trends to help predict future price action. They will also look at levels of resistance, where prices tend to decline.

  • You may even want to take note of forex pairs that correlate as this could also give you an added benefit.
  • If a currency pair has high liquidity, the volatility of that pair decreases.
  • So to remember the bid and ask concept in the forex market, you need to consider them from the broker’s perspective.
  • The Swissie is a combination of the US dollar and the Swiss franc, and is often used as a safe haven asset in times of market volatility.

At the same time, if you were to buy both currency pairs, you’ve contradicted yourself. For example, if you sell two negatively correlated pairs, chances are only one of the two trades will be successful. Remember that the foreign exchange market is the most liquid financial market in the world, so even some of the less popular currencies are extremely liquid.

Forex currency pairs explained – How to trade them

When you buy GBP/JPY, you are not going to take delivery of any Japanese yen. Similarly, if you trade EUR/USD, you will not receive any US dollars. This is because you are buying one currency while simultaneously selling the other currency as part of the currency pair contract, hence no actual physical delivery is required. At, all our markets are spot forex, the most common way to trade currency pairs. Next up is the minors, which are different crosses of currency pairs that are less popular but are still liquid and tradeable. Liquidity plays an important role in the pip-volatility of pairs, since a smaller number of buyers and sellers at any given price usually have a positive effect on volatility.


Spreads for minor currency pairs are often wider because there are fewer people buying and selling them in the market at any given time, resulting in less liquidity. Forex traders look to profit from fluctuations in the exchange rates of currency pairs. So, if you think that the US dollar is going to strengthen against the Japanese yen, you might buy EUR/USD to capitalize on the move. EUR/USD (Euro/US Dollar) – This is one of the most widely traded currency pairs and is considered to be a “safe haven” pair due to its low volatility and high liquidity.

There are as many currency pairs available on the market as currencies themselves. The number of them is changing very frequently, as new currencies are adopted or the older ones are changed, new currency pairs are born as well. Because of this, traders always have a huge list of currency pairs that they can choose from, which is a great thing. However, before you start trading FX, you will need to learn some basics. The interesting part about pips for many Forex traders is calculating the value of a single pip.

On the other hand, when the currency pair is sold, the investor sells the base currency and receives the quote currency. Thus, the selling price of the currency pair is the amount one will receive in the quote currency for providing one unit of the base currency. There are as many currency pairs as there are currencies in the world.

– Reading & Understanding The Currency Pairs

Line charts don’t show as much detail as either candlestick charts or bar charts. However, they can be good for identifying overall trends in the relationship between the two currencies. You can also pull up line charts for several pairings to get a sense of the overall strength of a particular currency. Direct quotes are the ones that involve a trader’s local currency while indirect quotes are the ones that only include foreign currencies.

minor currency pairs

It can help us Understand data by summarizing a lot of data in a single figure. This is especially useful when we’re exploring a new dataset and trying to get to know it. Which action to which currency can be determined by understanding how the “pair” itself works.

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