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A boyfriend introduced Peltor ear-protecting headphones (usually used by construction workers, not pre-med students) to me when I was 19 and studying for exams. No matter where I am in the world I have had a pair with me ever since. I am a freelance writer with a lifelong interest in helping people become more reflective and self-aware so that they can communicate better and enjoy meaningful relationships. As you can see, being a highly sensitive person can be both a blessing and a curse. The key is to harness it so that it empowers you instead of overwhelming you. And give yourself room to explore your own creativity as well.

What is HSP?

By staying positive and being honest with yourself and others, handling rejection can be far less intimidating. The key is to accept that rejection is an inevitable part of dating but to not spend too much time worrying about it. It’s only natural to worry about how you’ll come across and whether or not your date will like you. But no matter how shy or socially awkward you feel, you can overcome your nerves and self-consciousness and forge a great connection.

They understand that change is inevitable and that personal development is key to becoming the best version of themselves. They understand that baring themselves in front of another person can lead to hurt, but it can also lead to more beautiful things they can share with their partner. Trusting others and expressing our true thoughts and feelings can feel risky since it gives the other person the power to hurt us.

Lack of sleep (less than 7 hours, for most people) is well known to produce irritability, moodiness, and decreased concentration and productivity in the average person. Given our already ramped-up senses, I’m convinced that lack of sleep can make a highly sensitive life almost unbearable. Getting enough sleep soothes your senses and will help you cope with an already overwhelming world. Here are nine signs that you might be a highly sensitive person, and some tips on how to embrace your sensitivity. My data also show that on the average HSPs’ relationships in general are less happy–implying that relationships HSPs are in are less happy, at least for the HSP. HSPs have nervous systems that pick up more on subtleties in the world and reflect on them deeply.

For HSPs especially, connection is the basis for a relationship.

This can be an outcome of burnout, this is when an individual loses hope in their ability to help others because of lowered levels of empathy. For students reading this, you may know the burnout feeling all too well. When constantly working towards a degree, you may easily feel drained.

And if we keep experiencing sensory overload out in the world, it can create confusion among those closest to us (not to mention discomfort for us). Touch aversion can result from tags on your clothes, the feel of beauty products on your skin, or the sensation of jewelry that’s too tight against your body. You may be sensitive to sounds, like the repetitive clicking of a pen or a ticking clock.

Things like noise, touch, light, and movement can all make daily activities more of a challenge. Faithful Counseling is a counseling platform that is geared towards Christians, who prefer to have a Christian counselor. The counselors at Faithful Counseling will be able to navigate dating as a single Christian as well as how to properly enter a relationship while remaining faithful to your beliefs. The therapists and counselors listed on Regain are all experienced and certified psychologists, social workers, and licensed counselors. They are all educated with a Master’s or Doctorate in their field.


Some sites require more than just basic info when you sign up to make your profile more robust. Highly sensitive people tend to pick up on the needs and feelings of others. A major benefit of being an HSP is the ability to empathize. Empathy is a tool that can promote strong relationships and a deeply fulfilling emotional life. Of course, it’s important to differentiate between your feelings and others’ feelings. The Arons also developed a highly sensitive person test, or a personality questionnaire to help people identify themselves as HSPs.

If you’re dating an HSP, they may sometimes be shy in bringing up scent sensitivities to you. Different is fabulous, and high sensitivity can be an asset in any relationship. So if you’re a highly sensitive person, stop feeling alone in this matter and thinking of yourself as high-maintenance. And if you love a highly sensitive person, here are 10 things you should know. Frankly, it’s hard to understand what being highly sensitive means it when you’re not the one experiencing it. This fact can make relationships a little tricky for you at times.

How Attachment Styles Affect Adult Relationships

Is it like pulling teeth getting him to spend time with you? The key to solving is understanding men on a much deeper emotional level. The number #1 factor that causes men to behave this way is actually relatively easy to change with a few subtle things you can say to him.

Boundaries are important for everyone, but for HSPs they can be the difference between a happy relationship and a miserable one. So if you’re thinking of taking things to the next level with an HSP, be prepared to show up and be consistent. Don’t shy away from building on the relationship and letting your HSP know that you’re investing in the relationship. But I don’t just mean being consistent in daily activities and routines (although that is important too). This is another quality that makes a great partner in any type of relationship.

This makes everything very intense for them and the people close to them. They don’t have a way to disconnect, so what others can just shrug off and not take personally, HSP’s take straight to their core. They tend to love deeply, but are also more impacted by conflict in the relationship. If you’re in the market for a hookup rather than a relationship, look elsewhere. HSPs value a bond of true connection that provides mutual understanding, warmth, and compassion. She is also nurturing and romantic and may, to your astonishment, feel your feelings, even if you aren’t aware of having the feelings at the time.

If I notice they reacted strangely to something I said, I ask them why (instead of inventing 101 stories in my head). Granted, it’s not always easy to have these conversations, but having a clear picture of what another person is thinking and feeling leaves less to the imagination. If you won’t share your honest thoughts and feelings just to protect them, you’d start to lose interest in the relationship.

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