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Every One Of Veronica Mars’ Relationships, From Duncan To Logan

But as they move on to Heart College in Season 3, Logan grows frustrated with Veronica’s stubborn independence and the dumpee becomes the dumper. If you want proof Veronica is a way better PI than a girlfriend, just talk to Deputy Leo. First, he was the constant target of Veronica’s manipulation for police intel and then, when their relationship went legit, she cheated on him with Logan.

Tina Majorino was Veronica’s friend Cindy “Mac” Mackenzie.

Meanwhile, a serial killer has resurfaced in Neptune forcing Sheriff Lamb to forge a reluctant, tense partnership with Keith. Later, Veronica flirts with a handsome young rookie at the sheriff’s department to obtain more information on Lilly’s murder. In an effort to help Wallace’s new crush Georgia, who was duped out of her money in an internet scheme, Veronica must outwit a group of computer “thugs,” known as the Silicon Mafia. Unable to deal with Veronica being in constant danger, Logan
tries to convince her to drop her investigation into the rapes and
even has a bodyguard tail her without her knowledge, infuriating
Veronica when she finds out. Though they fight out their problems
and both admit that they love one another, Logan breaks up with
Veronica in the ninth episode.

Shortly after the courthouse wedding, while packing for their honeymoon (Veronica is still in her wedding dress) Logan goes to move her car to the other side of the street for street cleaning so she does not get a traffic ticket. He happens to do this at the exact moment a bomb left in a backpack in Veronica’s car goes off, and it appears that Logan was killed in the blast. Logan moved on to Parker Lee, while Veronica did the same with Stosh “Piz” Piznarski. While she was going out with Leo D’Amato, she kissed Logan in thanks for saving her from a would-be kidnapper, who actually turned out to be an ATF agent. Following the ceremony Logan goes to move Veronica’s car at the exact moment a bomb left in the car goes off, and Logan is presumably killed instantly.

If showrunner Rob Thomas had stuck with his original plan, Veronica’s endgame (or at least her primary on-off romantic relationship) would have been Duncan Kane, and I think we can all agree that would have been a very, very dark timeline. But Kristen Bell and Jason Dohring’s chemistry leapt off the screen early on, and ever since the midpoint of season 1 their intense relationship has been a linchpin for the show. Everyone is commenting that Keith was okay with it, I think he took it for what is was, his very mature daughter dating slightly above her age with someone who has common interests as her (law & justice). He was also smart enough to know that if he tried to stop it, it would have encouraged her, he trusted Veronica, and let it run its course. This may not be the norm 12 years later, but it fits with who the characters were and what their relationship was. Actually, it was famously not a whirlwind romance — they were only together for a hot minute and then Veronica broke up with him.

This is a true story — in Vanity Fair, there was a really interesting detective case in which a P.I. And then they did another story on him three or four years later and in that article he talked about “yes, since that first article I get calls from everywhere.” And so I’m sort of adopting that for Veronica. I want the ability for us to be able to tell a Veronica Mars story anywhere we want.

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And the city council is considering a series of “quality-of-life” policies that would disproportionately benefit the town’s wealthier citizens. So which of Veronica’s boyfriends landed in the Top 10 and which one fell slightly short? Which adversaries were so devilishly good we hated to love them? And who nabbed the No. 1 prize as the show’s very best character? Not that he’s perfect, but it’s a mystery how Dick Casablancas didn’t end up a worse human.

But he was one of the rare boyfriends in the show who didn’t become a total jerk once they stopped dating, so you’ve got to love him for that, even if he was as exciting as plain white toast. He was dating someone else the entire time he was with Veronica, and he tried to trick her into helping him smuggle drugs so he could run away with the cash and his other girlfriend. At the start of the series, Veronica is trying to get over the double-whammy of her best friend Lilly’s murder a year prior and the abrupt end to her romance with Lilly’s brother, Duncan.

The cases that Vinnie Van Lowe takes on have sometimes helped the Mars family, but sometimes his work has been in opposition to Mars Investigations’ cases. In “Kanes and Abel’s,” Veronica is attempting to find out who has been harassing Sabrina Fuller, the School Board President’s daughter and one of the top candidates for the Kane Scholarship. The Kane Scholarship is a full scholarship named Lilly’s honor, awarded to the valedictorian of Neptune High. In her investigation, Veronica discovers that one of the cars that was used during a harassment was owned by Vinnie Van Lowe’s ex-wife, Debra Villareal.

Seriously — if you haven’t finished the entire season yet — look away. A large and vocal segment of the Veronica Mars fandom, the Logan/Veronica shippers, badly wanted for the answer to be yes. The show’s creative team, meanwhile, maintained that the answer had to be no, because they believed that otherwise the tension of the story would die. To understand the Veronica Mars finale, you have to understand the Veronica Mars fandom. Veronica is collecting as much evidence as possible to prove that her father is not crazy and to find the Lilly’s killer.

Before the film, Carrie became a self-destructive pop star under the name Bonnie DeVille and began a relationship with Logan. Their relationship turned sour, and Carrie started attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings with now ex-boyfriend Logan as her sponsor. At the start of the film, she was found dead in her bathtub. “We were thrilled with the entire Veronica Mars experience that we brought to our viewers,” Erwich said.

Veronica finally goes to see Logan’s former therapist who sends her a voicemail that he left on the day of their wedding. It’s the kind of speech that rivals his “epic” declaration, and it’s the last one we’ll ever get. Mark this in your calendars because July 19, 2019, is a moment that will live in infamy for all LoVe fans. After a fake-out where it seems like Logan ditches Veronica at the altar, these two crazy kids finally get hitched. It’s low-key and romantic, surrounded by only a few of the most important people in their lives at City Hall.

Veronica slowly begins to outgrow her cynicism, with the help of new friends Wallace Fennel, Cindy ”Mac” Mackenzie, and Meg Manning. Anyway, she’s with Logan in the new season so I guess our dreams for a Piz reunion will have to remain just that. To find out more about why Thomas decided to leave Veronica a widow at the end of Season 4 as his “big bet” on the show’s future head over here. Leo and Veronica spend time drinking and dancing, and though Veronica doesn’t actually cheat on Logan, her eye wanders in her dreams, a place where she and Leo get busy in the bed she shares with her beloved. Since getting together, Leo and Camila went on, like, 20 yacht cruises, vacations, and shopping trips (the foundation of the only relationships I ever hope to be in, TBH). At this point, sources denied reports that the two were dating, but now we all know better.

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